
Our offers for storage: Battery management allows you to meet market needs while making the most of your storage assets

Managing your storage systems in line with market developments is a prerequisite for optimising your equipment and generating additional revenue

Thanks to the diversity of our activities, we are able to continuously update and optimize different recovery models via hybrid solutions:
•    Batteries + RE,
•    Batteries + industrial assets. 

Two markets for better value creation

As an additional asset to ensure the security of the French electricity system and preserve the overall production-consumption balance in real time, our electricity storage solutions play a key role in the two main markets.

Solar panel

Primary Reserve or Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR)

The primary frequency reserve market common to 8 European countries is operated in France by RTE. It acts as a power reserve by maintaining the network frequency at 50Hz. 

Role of the battery : 
 It allows energy to be injected or withdrawn according to frequency deviations, depending on the needs of the electrical network. 
Although it is not used very much, because the frequency deviations remain limited, the battery makes it possible to reduce the constraints on the network quickly and significantly.

You benefit from a capacity income (€/MW), contracted on D-1 on auctions common to several TSOs in Europe (FCR cooperation).


The Capacity Mechanism

This mechanism makes it possible to remunerate the assets involved in electricity production or network balancing during peak consumption periods in winter.

Role of the battery : 
Due to the commitments on system services (FCR), the battery can be certified on the Capacity Mechanism. 

In exchange for an FCR commitment on PP2 days, the battery capacity is paid. For assets under LTO contract, this income is fixed for a period of 7 years.  

Promising new markets

New opportunities seem to be emerging in the near future. They are not yet mature because: 

•    Financial opportunities are insufficient

•    Markets are being liberalized 

•    The regulations are inadequate

We remain particularly attentive to current developments


The principle consists in coupling the battery with other industrial assets in order to exploit more capacity.

This sharing of the frequency range over which the battery responds allows the associated manufacturers :
•    Not to be overly stressed (low frequency deviations in general),
•    To benefit from higher earnings. 

Ligne haute tension

What is flexibility?

More information
wind turbine

Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) 

This mechanism acts as a power reserve to maintain the grid frequency at 50hz and to complement the FCR. The regulatory framework is in the process of opening up to batteries. TotalEnergies is a stakeholder in this liberalization process.

Although more energy-intensive than FCR, this market offers good value-added prospects.

SAFT worker

aFRR Pooling 

It is a matter of operating the battery with another generation asset to ensure charge management. 
The mechanism makes it possible to make better use of the battery's capacity and to overcome certain programming constraints that usually limit the power that can be recovered.



The device allows the battery to be operated in such a way as to capture and take advantage of the price differences between the cheapest hours (battery charging) and the most expensive hours (battery discharging). 
It is justified when there is significant price fluctuation on the markets and implies a strong price forecasting capacity. 

To accompany you over the long term 

•    Help with certification to validate the ability of the battery to provide system services to the TSO
•    Setting up connectivity with the TSO and its applications so that the battery communicates the required data (remote control)
•    Arbitration between markets and battery allocation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week •    Monitoring of storage assets (Alert system, operational standby)
•    Hazard management (Reserve Exchange Notification - REN) 
•    Financial flow management
•    Reporting...