
Our load shedding offers: Tailor-made packages, adapted to your needs and constraints

We propose turnkey offers corresponding to each type of electricity consumption. Depending on your industrial processes, we help you to implement the most suitable offer to modulate your electricity consumption via different mechanisms and markets. We also advise you on the most appropriate way to control your shaving to optimize your remuneration and minimize your constraints.


  • The Mechanisms correspond to the fixed income and remunerate your availability for the electrical network in case of tension.
  • The Markets correspond to the variable income and pay for the energy you do not consume during a load shedding operation.
  • The Control Modes for load shedding (realization control) allow you to optimize your additional income and to adapt to your consumption profile and your process constraints.


Our load shifting mechanisms

For each consumption site connected to the distribution network, we propose at least two shaving mechanisms that ensure the balance of the electricity network during the most tense peak days of the year (PP1/PP2 days) while offering attractive remuneration.

The capacity mechanism

This mechanism is essential to ensure the security of electricity supply in France. It is the main mechanism for load shedding in France. It only concerns the winter months (from November to March).

Income forecast:

  • Around 30 k€/year/MW (2022) - 42 k€/year/MW (2023)


  • Availability on PP2 days only: 15 to 25 days per year
  • Attendance times: 07:00/15:00 and 18:00/20:00,
  • Duration of deletions: 30 minutes to 10 hours.

How to participate: 

  • Very flexible.



on-set technician



TotalEnergies worker

Call for tenders for load shedding 

An additional mechanism to the Capacity Mechanism which allows additional remuneration for industrial sites carrying out "green" load shedding. It also applies to the winter months (from November to March).

Income forecast:

  • 59.9 k€/year/   MW (2023), including income from the capacity mechanism.


  • Availability on PP2 days only: 15 to 25 days/year,
  • Attendance times: 07:00/15:00 and 18:00/20:00,
  • Duration of deletions: 30 minutes to 10 hours.

How to participate: 

  • Identical to those of the Capacity Mechanism.


  • Carry out "green" load shedding , i.e. process load shedding,
  • Grey" load shedding, for example by starting up a generator, is not eligible for this call for tenders mechanism


Learn more about the markets 

biomethane plant

The markets

More about markets


Reserve mechanisms 

To ensure the balancing of the network, RTE has three types of reserves in which it is possible to participate. These can be activated at any time, 24/7, to absorb imbalances between electricity production and consumption and thus guarantee the security and stability of the network through a stable frequency. 

Tertiary Reserves: Rapid Reserves (RR) and Complementary Reserves (CR)

These two reserves are intended to cover the loss of France's largest generating capacity: 1,000 MW of RR and 500 MW of RC.

Income forecast:
•    10 K€/year/MW. (2022)

•    These mechanisms allow to obtain additional revenues to the Capacity Mechanism but require a 24/7 availability, as well as a high reactivity: 13 minutes for RR and 30 minutes for RC.

Operating procedures : 
•    Annual or daily call for tenders (Subscription for a few days in the year).




Primary Reserve or Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR)

This mechanism common to 8 European countries is managed by the Regelleistung and is operated in France by RTE. It acts as a power reserve since its purpose is to maintain the network frequency at 50Hz.

Income forecast:
•    Up to 120 k€/year/MW.

•    It allows important remunerations but requires a strong reactivity: 
     o    Reaction of the asset under 500 ms,
     o   Certified power (shaved/ load-shifted) within 30 seconds,
     o    Many activations every day of the year.

Operating procedures : 
•    Only the most flexible and reactive industrial processes will be able to participate in this mechanism: rotating machines, motors equipped with variable speed drives, electrolysis, electric ovens, etc.

•    It is possible to reduce them considerably by coupling your industrial process with one of our batteries. 


Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) 

This mechanism acts as an energy reserve and is also intended to maintain the network frequency at 50hz.

Income forecast:
•    Up to 150 k€/year/MW.

•    It takes over from the FCR after 30 seconds in order to allow it to reconstitute itself to face a possible new fortuitous event on the electrical network,
•    High reactivity : < 5 min.

•    It is possible to reduce them considerably by coupling your industrial process with one of our batteries



A personalized and free approach

To enable us to identify as quickly as possible the mechanisms and markets that will enable you to generate gains without CAPEX, opt for a quick, no-obligation initial contact with one of our specialist engineers:

Contact us ! 

Learn more about load shifting 

biogas plant

What is load shifting ?


Load shedding markets

maintenance workers

Load shifting control modes


Our expertise