The control of the load shifting carried out makes it possible to check the conformity of the load shifting carried out compared to the declared programs. Our teams will help you determine the most appropriate method for your processes and consumption profile.

Simple Rectangle Method
Simple method only adapted to the Adjustment Mechanism (AM).
- The reference consumption used as a basis for calculating the proper execution of the load shifting is the half-hour preceding your activation order on the MA.
- Suitable for sites operating in 3x8
- Excellent solution if the consumption is stable H24

Double Square Method
Simple method only suitable for Notification of Exchange of Balancing Blocks (NEBEF).
- The reference consumption used as a basis for calculating whether or not load shifting has been carried out correctly is the most unfavourable consumption between the half-hour preceding your load shifting order and the half-hour following the end of your load shifting on the NEBEF.
- Suitable only for sites operating in 3x8
- This solution can only be used if the consumption of the site is stable and if the process can be restarted quickly
- Rarely used

Consumption forecast method
Very efficient method only suitable for Notification of Block Exchange (NEBEF).
- Creation of a forecasting model based on your operating consumption assumptions. This model is used as a basis for calculating your load shedding.
- Optimization and valorization of the volume of load shifting
- Optimal management of your consumption
Consumption history method

The simplest method only adapted to Notification of Exchange of Blocks of Erasure (NEBEF).
- Your average or median consumption is used as a reference. This history is built either on :
o The 10 sliding days preceding the load shifting,
o The 4 identical days before the load shifting (example: the 4 Tuesdays).
- Maximization of clearing volumes (less than forecast)
- Reduction of operational exchanges
• Possibility to enhance your scheduled maintenance